yea-she got a cellphone for her bday..can u believe that!!
(no-not really-got you!)
Made some marshmallow pops also..
then wrapped them up nicely and displayed them!
Had to have "some" cupcakes!
Cupcake centerpiece w/ feathers!
One of my centerpieces..really cute!!
Cupcake made with Cricut machine using
a free template on the internet.
Grama and her Rocker Princess!
Our balloon column...we're hoping to decorate
alot of our time in birthday parties--making awesome
balloon decorations..they're awesome!
Hard at work-decorating..yes-I put my hubby to work..LOL!
So, this is our cake table and a little scary...Our beautiful cake in which my sister and I worked alot-way into 2am that ruined when I had to slam my on my brakes on my way to
the party and well there wasn't anyone there to catch it...It was sitting on the passengers side on the floor..yea- not well thought probably was my fault. Anyways once you take off all the mm was delicious--strawberry and poundcake layers with strawberry/mango creamcheese icing and then the bottom was triple fudge chocolate with a mocha (coffee) cream cheese filling!!yum!
This is before the party started- I figured I
take a photo of this before everyone starts
eating it. I got this idea from Mrs. Patino's blog..
Its super cute isnt' it? Also very good for harsh
hot weather..I didn't want to upset anybody's stomach
with any other kind of food, because I don't know
about you but I seem to get sick w/headache & stomach
ache when it's too hot and I eat brisket or chicken with
all the trimmings..:(
Meet Arianna! Poor baby--she is so sweaty
trust me that day was so HOT! She's looking
all cute with her homemade "1" onesie
and tutu, with her "bling'' ed out converse!
So this is the pinata & centerpiece I made for her birthday! Well, let me tell you-when I got to the park it was Super Windy & everything kept flying off the tables..and I was like "Lord, please let this wind stop.." and it did :)...but then came the Rain w/ Thunder!!hahahaha...I Was freaking out a little but thankfully it did stop and then the Sun came out and with it ALOT of Heat--'cause trust me it was HOT!!!
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