Welcome to my home/mansion!
You like? no, not really...got you going there for a second, huh? LOL No, this is the Bishops Palace in Galveston, Tx--really really Nice and I Love the History on it.
Meet my family: It is I (brenda), my husband(samuel-bad lighting on him--poor him--he probably doesn't want me to post this pic but it's really cute! and TRUST me -we don't really have family pics because the times we've tried taking some the kids are ALL OVER the place and they just will not cooperate -so we make do) my oldest daughter Nadalyn known as "lily" (she's called herself that since she was 2 --so we all do too) my son samuel israel known as "izzy" and my little one Arianna.
This was taken at our beach in Freeport, Tx (not the most beautiful one--but hey it's what we got and we sure enjoy it!)
During hurricane season, that's why the water was so dark. My kids love going to the beach whenever we get a chance, good thing its only 20 min. from where we live.
Miss Naddy, she's my "mini-me" as they say. Its as if I'm staring at one of my childhood photographs, too bad she has my personality too! Well not that it is a bad thing, actually it should be a good thing--it's just that I bet we are the type that just get on some peoples nerves (lol) : bubbly personality, loud, sentimental, have different fashion sense (as you can see from above--she picked that by herself-smile) too photogenic (hahaha) and overall well rounded--we love making new friends!
My little "IZZY" - such a sweet boy (when he wants to be)he seems to get shy around people but watch out when he gets to know you "friendly" punches get thrown everywhere. Oh I MUST mention, he has that hardcore "laugh out loud" i'm having such a blast laughter, just cracks you up!
Being Silly--these were taken last year before the baby was born. This is a great tip for Awesome Cheap photos you should all dress up and head on over to your nearest Civic center or pretty much anywhere they have nice landscaping and feel free to take photos. They come out really nice!
My 3 beautiful BLESSINGS!
I DO thank God for my children and even though they drive me a little insane every now and then (lol) I wouldn't trade them for the world! They are so precious!
This is me once again with my baby Arianna, loving every moment of my life:the good, the bad, the sad, the happy, the angry (lol), the poor, the rich...everything and anything as so long as I have LIFE to praise God in Everything!
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